If you are a small to mid-sized leisure driven property you cannot afford layers of management, and you don't need an expensive franchise to be a great and profitable hotel or resort. Being lean on top will enable you to focus at the property level investing directly in the customer experience while developing the staff and creating a positive culture.

No job is too big or small. Our goal is to give assistance to where help is needed. Kehn is a performance-based company and understands the hardship of un-budgeted operational costs. We will structure your fee based on affordability and will make every effort to fit into your existing operational budget including our fees and expenses on the budget we prepare for you. Example: If we are hired as a transition general manager, the cost would be the 'going rate' for that position with a mutually agreed incentive program based on measurable results. 

  1. Operational Analysis: Performed by Chris Kehn; a great way to start. This includes a budget and P&L review, social media and marketing assessment, Quality Assurance Inspection (1 or 2 nights depending on size and number of outlets) along with a detailed report with the findings. We will offer our recommendations for immediate and long-term solutions.

  2. Feasibility Study- Customized Template for Success - Working Budget

  3. Transitional Management: (customized agreement w/pricing proposal)

    Complete Hands on Management: Staffing & Training - culture development - system implementation - social media/reputation management - long-term management oversight - renovation/new build management