Chris is an extremely hard worker who cares passionately about the properties he is involved with. Chris truly wants the properties to succeed as a way of leaving a legacy behind him. Chris is also dedicated to customer service, going out of his way to help customers have a delightful experience and enjoy their vacations.

—  Dave Curtis, Owner - Ticaboo

Ticaboo Logo.png

“The growth was largely due to the sales and marketing techniques instituted and carried out by Chris.”

He has the knowledge and experience required to expand the operations of any facility, anticipate quick changes of the industry as it approaches the 21st century and package and market a facility with the most up to date methods technology allows. 

— Dave Brask, Owner
320 Guest Ranch

Thoroughly professional, dedicated and competent individual who will be an asset to your organization.”

I was impressed with Chris' professionalism and pride in his 'product.' He showed patience and perseverance during lengthy and complex negotiations and always strove for a win-win relationship.

— Deane Gross, Group Manager, Event Marketing
Phillip Morris


“World-class hospitality professional.”

We were thrilled to have someone with Chris's knowledge, experience and club management background as part of our resort family. 

— Brad Schreiber, General Manager
Palm Coast Golf Resort/Destination Hotels &Resorts

All areas of operation have drastically improved.”

Chris' wise financial investments and ability to sell the majority of our remaining units, while capturing them in the rental program shows great foresight, salesmanship and decision making. 

 — Al Belliveau, President
Timberwoods Vacation Villas